Helenium autumnale / Sneezeweed

from $4.00

Type: perennial
Native Habitat: wet meadows, ponds and streams
Light: Full Sun
Soil: Medium to moist
Growth: 3-5’ tall , 2-3’ wide
Bloom: Yellow in August - October

Info: This native perennial can be found in Missouri in wet areas such as ditches, wet meadows and prairies, around ponds, and along streams. Grows best in full sun in rich moist soil, does not preform well in dry soils. This plant is beneficial for many species of adult butterflies. It does get its common name from a snuff that was made from its pollen to induce sneezing. Warning! flowers, leaves, and stems of this plant are consider !poisonous! and should not be ingested in any way.

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Type: perennial
Native Habitat: wet meadows, ponds and streams
Light: Full Sun
Soil: Medium to moist
Growth: 3-5’ tall , 2-3’ wide
Bloom: Yellow in August - October

Info: This native perennial can be found in Missouri in wet areas such as ditches, wet meadows and prairies, around ponds, and along streams. Grows best in full sun in rich moist soil, does not preform well in dry soils. This plant is beneficial for many species of adult butterflies. It does get its common name from a snuff that was made from its pollen to induce sneezing. Warning! flowers, leaves, and stems of this plant are consider !poisonous! and should not be ingested in any way.

Type: perennial
Native Habitat: wet meadows, ponds and streams
Light: Full Sun
Soil: Medium to moist
Growth: 3-5’ tall , 2-3’ wide
Bloom: Yellow in August - October

Info: This native perennial can be found in Missouri in wet areas such as ditches, wet meadows and prairies, around ponds, and along streams. Grows best in full sun in rich moist soil, does not preform well in dry soils. This plant is beneficial for many species of adult butterflies. It does get its common name from a snuff that was made from its pollen to induce sneezing. Warning! flowers, leaves, and stems of this plant are consider !poisonous! and should not be ingested in any way.

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